Upcoming Events

Please use our Meetup page  http://www.meetup.com/St-Louis-Ski-Club/
or you may RSVP to activities@stlouisskiclub.com


Palisades Icebreaker
Llywelyn's Pub
17 West Moody Avenue
Webster Groves, MO 63119
Thursday, February 13th
6 to 8 PM

Our second ski trip for 2025 approaches! Come and meet your fellow skiers and trip captain. If you're not signed up for Palisades, you are welcome to join us, grab some dinner and catch up with old friends.


Paganella Icebreaker
Llywelyn's Pub
17 West Moody Avenue
Webster Groves, MO 63119
Wednesday, February 19th
6 to 8 PM

The brave European travelers in our group will soon be hitting the slopes in Paganella, Italy, with some glorious scenery and sight-seeing mixed in.  Those on this trip should take the opportunity to come and meet their trip captain and fellow skiers and learn the details of the trip.  As always, those not on the trip are welcome to stop by for some food, drink, and fellowship.


Click here for information on our 2025 ski trips!


Ski Associations

Not able to make any of our trips? As a member of the St Louis Ski Club, you are eligible to join trips of the following ski associations (and their club member organizations) to which our club belong:

* Chicago Metropolitan Ski Council (CMSC)

* Flatland Ski Association (FSA)

* National Ski Council Federation (NSCF)


If you have an activity or event that you would like to share with the St Louis Ski club, send them to: activities@stlouisskiclub.com